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The electropicks and accessories
Quality hand lockpick tools
Different types of picks of very high quality!
Different types of picks of very high quality!
Different kinds of flipper, tension tools, key extractors and accessories. The tools are good quality!
Our Bump Keys allow the fast and non-destructive opening of many different cylinder locks. Necessary: A suited Bump Key for the lock to be opened.
How do Bump Keys work?
The Bump Key is inserted into the keyway just like a normal key. The especially designed key cuts are then positioned just in front of the individual inner pins. By slight blows, i.e. rather a slight knocking, with a suited object the Bump Key is then driven further into the keyway. The fast blows of the sides of the key cuts onto the pins cause the pins to be driven into their channels very rapidly.
If the correct amount of sensible tension is exerted with the Bump Key onto the plug, i.e. by slightly turning the power key into the direction the plug is to be rotated, the cylinder can be unlocked. In this process the correct timing of blows and simultaneous exertion of tension with the key is the most important factor. This timing has to be trained. Usually multiple blows are necessary to unlock the cylinder.
To clarify everything once again: The short blows should rather be a slight „knocking" onto the Bump Keys, while the exerted tension should rather be a very slight and minimal turning in the desired direction.
The technique does not cause any kind of damage at all and is very quiet in practical use.
We offer lever (tryout) pick sets for very different types of locks such as Mortice-, Warded- and Furniture-Locks. All lever pick set "K" and "O" are forged and nickel-coated, the other sets are made of hardened and tempered steel. All Tryout Key Sets have a proven design and are delivered on a key ring. For simple warded locks as used in most interior room doors we recommend our “Classic” Lever Picks.
The technique of impressioning allows the production of a fitting and functioning key for a certain lock without having to dismount or disassemble the cylinder or even having to decode it with special devices and techniques. The only items required are the corresponding key blank for the cylinder, some tools and a certain amount of practice.
The tools that everyone should have Lockpicker
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Turbo pick for BASI CX6 Turbo pick for BASI CX6
Turbo pick for Bricard serie (BD13) Turbo pick for Bricard serie (BD13)
Turbo pick for CISA / BRICARD / ABUS (1) Turbo pick for CISA / BRICARD / ABUS (1)
Turbo pick for CISA / BRICARD / ABUS (2) Turbo pick for CISA / BRICARD / ABUS (2)
Turbo pick for CISA Astral CS62 Turbo pick for CISA Astral CS62
Turbo pick for EZCURRA DS10 - DS15 Turbo pick for EZCURRA DS10 - DS15
Turbo pick for HERACLES Y7 / YAREDENI Y6 Turbo pick for HERACLES Y7 / YAREDENI Y6
Turbo pick for ISEO R6 / CITY R6 - IE15 Turbo pick for ISEO R6 / CITY R6 - IE15
Turbo pick for KALE 164BNE Turbo pick for KALE 164BNE
Turbo pick for KALE 164SN Turbo pick for KALE 164SN
Turbo pick for LINCE C2-C4 Turbo pick for LINCE C2-C4
Turbo pick for MCM E8 Turbo pick for MCM E8
Turbo pick for MUL-T-LOCK 7X7 / MTK13R Turbo pick for MUL-T-LOCK 7X7 / MTK13R